Tell us a few details about your upcoming trip to Northumberland and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can with prices and availability.
Our Terms
Once availability is confirmed a £40 deposit is required to reserve your accommodation. Please contact us for further information regarding payment arrangements.
You may cancel free of charge until 14 days before your arrival. You will be charged the total price of the reservation if you cancel in the 14 days before your arrival.
Settlement of your stay is accepted by cash or bank transfer on the morning of departure.
Arrival and Departure:
Check in is between 4pm and 8pm, unless we have agreed and arranged alternative arrangements. Check out is 10am on the day of your departure.
Our accommodation is No Smoking, a designated smoking area is located in the parking area.
We offer our guests complimentary WiFi for checking emails, when staying with us.
Parking and Bicycles :
Free parking is available throughout your stay with us. Please note that users of our car park do so at their own risk and Togston Hall Farmhouse does not accept any liability for accidents, damage or loss. With prior agreement we can offer our guests bicycle storage, any bikes or equipment are left at the owners risk and Togston Hall Farm House accepts no liability for accidents, damage or loss.
Togston Hall Farm House, Togston Hall Farm, North Togston, Amble, Northumberland NE65 0HR.
Farmhouse: 01665712699
Mobile: 07894035738
Togston Hall Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast. All rights reserved.